Current Students

Driver's Ed

Important message from Ms. Wenger about obtaining your permit:

I am allowed to issue the permit test to students if they don't want to go down to the DLD and take the test. To schedule a time to take the permit test, please email

A couple good things about this:

  1. I don't charge them anything.
  2. They can take it as many times as they want, with a day between each test until they pass the test. I get the exam directly off the DLD system. 
  3. At the DLD they are charged $19 for every 3 tries. But with me, they only pay the $19 once they pass the test when they go down to the DLD to collect their permit.

About Driver's Education

General Information Driver’s Education Class:

  • Cost $175
  • Permit must be provided before payment is accepted
  • Register by contacting the Orem office
  • If applying via phone please pre-send permits before providing payment to Mrs. Fife (
  • When accepting applicants, a lottery system will be applied if more applicants register then spots available. We will do a 60/40 draw. We will accept 60% from Provo campus and 40% from the Orem campus to help create a balance in the registration process.
  • Contact the Orem office for more information on dates and deadlines for upcoming classes.

In person class:

  • Typically, class will be held 4 days a week and will meet for 5-6 weeks.
  • Mandatory Parent/Student Meeting
  • Classroom meeting Time: 4:30-6:30pm
  • Location: Provo campus
  • 25 seats available

Prerequisites for In person class:

  • Must have current grades of 3.0 or better
  • Must hold a current permit
  • Must be at least 15 years 6 months
  • Parents and students must attend the mandatory parent meeting.
  • Students will be dropped from the class if a parent/guardian and student do not attend the meeting.
  • Attendance is a state requirement, therefore attendance is required for completion of this course. Anybody with greater than 2 absences will forfeit completion of the course.
  • Actively able to drive with a parent or guardian during the progression of the course.

Online Course (availability varies)

  • Mandatory Parent/Student Meeting
  • GPA 3.5 required for Online course
  • 20 seats available

Prerequisites for the Online Class:

  • Must hold a 3.5 cumulative GPA
  • Must hold a current permit
  • Must be at least 15 years 6 months
  • Parents and students must attend a mandatory meeting on September 19, 2022 at 6 pm via Zoom. Students will be dropped from the class if a parent/guardian and student do not attend the meeting.
  • Be able to meet coursework deadlines.
  • Be able to meet the course deadline.
  • Be available to do behind the wheel before or after school during the coursework a minimum of 2 drives with an instructor.
  • Actively able to drive with a parent or guardian during the progression of the course.
Partnered with the Utah Valley University